Cambridge University Press

Contract summary

Unlimited access for all authorized users to the full-text subscription contents of the Cambridge University Press. Unlimited OA publishing for all corresponding authors 

Contract period
Research area

engineering, architecture, computer engineering, mathematics, agriculture, animal science, aquatic sciences, ecology, environmental sciences

Type of eligible articles

Have a corresponding author affiliated with a participating institution.Be original research – eligible article types are research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports and case reports. Be accepted for publication in a Cambridge University Press journal covered by the agreement. Be accepted for publication from 1 January 2021.

Eligible journal
Gold and Hybrid journals

We offer authors a choice of Creative Commons licenses that they can apply to their work, which differ in terms of the rights they grant end users. All of the licenses require that those redistributing or re-using the work should give appropriate credit and indicate if changes were made. Authors might be required or advised by their funders to choose particular CC licenses, such as CC-BY or CC-BY-ND, when publishing their research as Gold OA.